Section 3.09 Easement Planning
A. Easements for utilities shall be provided as follows:
1. Along all local streets, minimum eight-foot wide public utility easements (PUE's) shall be provided wherever sidewalks are required. Along arterial, collector and other major thoroughfares, easement widths shall be as determined by the Town Engineer.
2. In Planned Unit Developments (PUD's), commercial and industrial centers and other similarly developed projects, easement location and widths other than those along public streets will be determined by the Town Engineer.
3. Other easements deemed necessary to provide utility or other services shall be provided as required by the Town Engineer.
B. For lots facing on curvilinear streets, utility easements shall consist of a curved line parallel to the front property line and a series of straight-line segments or a curved line parallel to the rear property lines as may be required to complete an existing easement system.
C. Where a stream or important surface drainage course abuts or crosses the tract, dedication of a drainage easement of a width sufficient to permit widening, deepening, relocating, or protecting and maintaining said watercourse shall be required.
D. Land within a major drainage, flood, or transmission easement shall not be considered a part of the minimum required lot area except where lots exceed one-half acre in area (See Exhibit 23).
E. If ten-foot PUE and DE easements exist in adjacent subdivisions, the pattern shall be continued unless otherwise approved by the Town Engineer.