Section 16-1-3 Permit Required
A. It is unlawful to encroach upon any right-of-way or water course as defined in Section 16-1-1 without first obtaining authorization pursuant to this Article. Any contractor, agency, utility, or any other person performing work within the right-of-way shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Town’s Development Services Department prior to entering the right-of-way. An Encroachment Permit will not be issued prior to approval by the Town’s Development Services Department of the required Traffic Control Plan set forth in subsection 16-1-7 below. The Traffic Control Plan shall be on-site and attached to the permit whenever activities are taking place in the right-of-way, and shall be produced upon request by Town staff or law enforcement.
B. Any construction or work undertaken prior to applying for and securing the required permit shall be immediately terminated upon notification from the Town Engineer or his designee. The work shall not resume until such permit is obtained. (13-02, Amended, 04/18/2013)