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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 24-14 Amends § 6-1-4, restrictions on keeping animals 8/20/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-13 Reserved
Ord. 24-12 Reserved
Ord. 24-11 Reserved
Ord. 24-10 Adds § 5.06(D)(4); amends § 1.12, zoning 6/18/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-09 Amends § 5.04, subdivision ordinance 4/2/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-08 Pending
Ord. 24-07 Sunsets Art. 9-5, McDowell Mountain Preservation Commission 2/21/2024 Repealer
Ord. 24-06 Amends § 12-3-10 and zoning code §§ 1.12, 5.14, 10.02 and 11.02, parking 3/19/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-05 Amends §§ 5.13(B), (C) and (E), community residences 5/7/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-04 Amends § 8-5-1, special event liquor licenses 2/6/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-03 Amends § 24.03(B), zoning 3/19/2024 Codified
Ord. 24-02 Rezone 1/17/2024 Special
Ord. 24-01 Rezone 1/17/2024 Special
Ord. 23-15 Amends §§ 1.12 and 2.01, zoning 12/19/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-14 Amends §§ 12-3-3 and 12-3-8, parking 11/21/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-13 Adds Art. 11-3, urban camping 8/22/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-12 Failed
Ord. 23-11 Adds § 12-2-13, pedestrians in roadway or median 8/22/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-10 Adds Art. 8-7; amends § 8-3-5(D)(8), mobile food vendors 11/21/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-09 Amends Art. 2A-8, history and culture advisory commission 6/20/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-08 Amends zoning map 6/20/2023 Special
Ord. 23-07 Not adopted
Ord. 23-06 Repeals and replaces § 2.04, site plan review regulations 5/16/2023 Codified
Ord. 23-05 Repeals and replaces Ch. 7, zoning 9/19/2023 Codified