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Home occupations shall be permitted in any dwelling unit, subject to the following requirements:

A. Home Occupations. Shall be conducted only by persons who live at the property and shall be conducted in a manner clearly incidental and subordinate to the use of the property and dwelling unit for dwelling purposes, shall be conducted entirely within the dwelling, an accessory structure used for office activities only, or garage, and shall not change the residential character thereof. Carports and yards may not be used for home occupations.

B. Area. An area equal to no more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the gross floor area of the dwelling shall be devoted to the home occupation.

C. Employees. There shall be no employees working at the home other than members of the immediate family residing in the dwelling unit where the home occupation is being operated.

D. Delivery Vehicles. No business shall be conducted which requires delivery vehicles or other vehicular activity or deliveries not customary to a residence.

E. Nuisances. There shall be no external evidence of the activity such as outdoor storage, displays, noise, dust, odors, fumes, vibration, or other nuisances discernible beyond the property lines.

F. Signs. No signs signifying the business or any commercial product or service are allowed. Signs on business vehicles, regardless of their storage, shall not display the address of the home occupation.

G. Traffic and Parking. Customer/patron and shipping/receiving trip generation shall not exceed six (6) vehicle trips a day. No more than one (1) vehicle used for commercial purposes associated with the business may be parked on site and must comply with Section 12-3-10. During business hours, parking by customers, patrons, or employees must be on the property on an approved paving surface.

H. Exception. An exception to these requirements shall be made for the operation of a group home for the handicapped and adult care, day care centers, home day care centers, model homes and swim schools.

I. Hazardous Materials. Any home occupation desiring to use hazardous materials, as defined in this ordinance, must first secure a special use permit. No home occupation may use hazardous material without a special use permit. Special use permits for the use of hazardous materials will only be issued after the Town’s Building Official and Fire Marshal are assured that proper handling, storage, and disposal safeguards can and will be followed for the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood and community.

J. Uses Not Permitted. The following uses that are not permitted as a home occupation include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: Temporary or overnight keeping of animals for hire, the physical sale or distribution of commodities on the premises and motor vehicle repair. The Development Services Director or his designee shall render decisions on home occupations permitted with appeal to the Town Council. (24-06, Amended, 03/19/2024)